
Instructions on Buying ePUB Format Books

Generally speaking, if any Able Limited Editions customers wishes to purchase any Able Limited Editions product published by Able Limited Editions, worldwide copyright over any such product is owned by the Author to protect their published work as much as is reasonably possible from piracy etc. Much more than often, the amount of work required to undertake to write as an author includes several years if not decades of research etc, whether said fiction or not. That's right, even fiction outwith any said fantasy content or coincidental foresight is not imaginary in most cases. Copyright protection is therefore understandable. However, Able Limited Editions do not apply Digital Rights Management in line with UK Copyright Law to any Title (book) published and available to purchase in their ePUB format at the moment. That means they rely on the honesty of their customers not to make pirate copies.  

EPUB Purchase & Download Instructions :-

In addition to the Terms & Conditions of Sale and Terms and Conditions of Use :-

  1. First of all, it's the sole responsibility of Able Limited Editions customers to ensure they have a compatible ereader of their sole choice installed on their chosen and suitably relevant device/s (including desktop PC/s, laptops and moblie phones) to download and read their copy/copies of their purchased ePUB Title/s available to purchase via this website.

  1. Customers must also create an Able Limited Editions account to buy then download ePUB Format books. They must then ensure they select and purchase the correct ePUB Title. The product page and ebook cover image will clearly indicate if the product is in ePUB Format. 

  1. Once ordered on completing all form details, then paid for, customers must then enter their Able Limited Editions account page, where they will find the relevant ePUB download link/s by clicking on ORDER HISTORY and DETAILS. Exact instructions to then follow to download are available via the Attachments tab on the ePUB Product page.

  1. Customers will then find they may download a maximum of 2 copies of each ePUB Title purchased. That is to allow them to keep one backup copy of each Title in case their existing ereader fails etc.

Happy reading folks.

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